DidarBD24.Com - THE DOMAIN:
- DidarBD24.Com is a domain which was registered on January 11, 2014.
- This site is availiable with DidarBD24.Com,
- The site is Copyrighted and Powered By DidarBD24.Com
- This site is based on BANGLADESH.Dhaka is the capital of BANGLADESH.
- This site is mostly popular as a MOBILE WAP SITE.
DidarBD24.Com has 2 versions for displaying it's contents.
- Mobile Version is only for mobile phones.It is lightly designed with Xhtml for supporting all Mobile devices.
- Desktop Version is only for computer browsers.It is designed with HTML, CSS & JavaScript.
All the scripts of AmarTips are being developed by the one & only administrator of DidarBD24.Com.
- It's functions are based on PHP(HyperText Pre-Processor Language).
- HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is used for the design of it's classical version.
- WML(Wireless Markup Language) is used for the design of it's mobile version.
- CSS(Cascading Style Sheet) is used to decorate the design of classical & desktop versions.
- JavaScript is used in desktop version to supply ads & to perform some sort of quick services like ajax.
This site is made for all.
There is no commercial use of this site.Your service provider may charge for the traffic but this site is
always free for all from all countries!
The site is for entertainment,social online community,fun and enjoyment.
This site is based on these Terms Of Services.As a user you must agree as well as follow these terms.
This site is dedicated to all who obey anlow the terms and rules.
You can see the features of DidarBD24.Com here.
You can send your FeedBack to the administrator which will help DidarBD24.Com to serve you better. Send an e-mail to: admin@didarbd24.com]